Welcome to Echo Eindhoven

A new life, big wonder!

We would gladly like to make an unforgettable souvenir for you and your partner by making an ultrasound during your pregnancy. And we can also inform you which form of contraception suits you best.

See you at the practice! Leonie, Lisette and Chloé

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What do we do?

You can come to Echo Eindhoven for many different echoes. Below you find a small selection of our possibilities.

Medical echo

You can come to Echo Eindhoven for many different echoes. Below you find a small selection of our possibilities.


Just because you really enjoy watching the baby or if you have some minor worries. The gender determination can be performed after 14 weeks!

3/4D echo

The latest and most beautiful 3 / 4D technique: HD live! Possible during the entire pregnancy (you will get the most beautiful images between 25 and 32 weeks).

Birth control

How do you choose the contraceptive method that best suits you? Echo Eindhoven can help you with that. For instance by placing an IUD.